Liz shares her insights about how she manages her struggles with SPD
"I think that's ME!?!"
adult sensory processing disorder
adult SPD
advice on adult sensory processing disorder
Aha moments SPD with Liz Holland
and we think
celebrating your life experiences
Christy Birmingham-Reyes
coping with SPD
Cozy Throwzzz
Do you have SPD?
Get Cozy with CozyThrowzzz
How I use tennis as a metaphor for LIFE!
how to manage adult SPD
how to manage SPD
how to recover life's disappointments
life disappointments
life experiences
life mistakes
life with adult SPD
Life with Sensory Processing Disorder
Liz Holland
Liz Holland overcoming life's obstacles
Liz Holland Sensory Product Design
Liz on Problem Solving for SPD
Liz share about SPD Domino Effects
Liz share the origin of SPD
managing Sensory Processing Disorder
My life with Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Product Design
Sensory Products Design
struggles with SPD
Tennis has hundreds of points
tennis philosophies
warm your extremities
warm your feet
warm your hands
When we first learn about SPD
A snippet from my Interview with Christy Birmingham-Reyes from When Women Inspire
July 24, 2023
Liz Holland